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1. Design of shunt structure to make it even. The splitter structure of the plate design enables the medium to evenly distribute the flow on the whole plate, which improves the heat transfer efficiency and eliminates the fouling accumulation area. 2.Parallel flow plate design for easy maintenance. Parallel flow, pipeline link arrangement, reduce the kind of spare parts of board and rubber pad. Easy installation and maintenance. 3. Rubber cushion structure, so that the maintenance of fast. The gasket protection groove can prevent the gasket from being extruded, and the service life of the gasket can be extended. Roof geometry makes the rubber pad enhance the ability of anti-pressure and anti-vibration force, the sealing pressure force lasts a long time, the service life is long, the maintenance cost is reduced. Seal gasket double seal and signal hole structure, can ensure that in the seal gasket damage, medium from the first seal leakage, can be early detection of the leakag


Fixed tube plate type: fix both ends of the pipe on the fixed tube plate at both ends of the shell. The tube plate is fixed to the shell. Advantages: simple structure, low manufacturing cost, wide range of specifications, widely used in engineering. Disadvantages: shell side inconvenience cleaning, can only use chemical cleaning, maintenance is difficult, more dirty or corrosive media can not go through the shell. When the temperature difference between the shell and the heat exchanger is large,small temperature difference stress can be reduced by single or multi-wave expansion. U-tube type: the heat exchange tube is bent into a u-shape, and the two ends of the tube are fixed in the same block. On the tube plate, the bending end is not fixed. Heat exchange tube can be freely telescopic, so the shell and heat exchange tube without thermal stress. There is only one tube plate, the structure is simple, the tube bundle can be taken out from the shell, the shell side is easy to clean,


Characteristics and operating conditions of common materials used in plate heat exchanger The criterion for evaluating the corrosion resistance of materials is that the greater the bipre value, the better the corrosion resistance. It is mainly determined by the contents of Cr, MO and Ni. 1)304 stainless steel: used in organic and inorganic media, concentration <30% temperature <=100/ concentration >30% temperature 50 Various concentrations of carbonic acid, ammonia and alcohols of nitric acid temperature <100. The material of 304L is basically the same as that of 304, which has better weldability and can be used as welding heat exchanger. 2)316L of natural cooling water, cooling tower water, softening water, carbonic acid, acetic acid and caustic soda solutions with concentrations less than 50%, alcohols and acetone and other solvents, dilute nitric acid (20%) dilute phosphoric acid (< 30%) at temperatures less than 100 degrees, but not suitable for sulfuric acid. 316 is

Basic Knowledge of Heat Conduction

Heat exchange between heat sink and environment When heat passes to the top of the heat sink, need as soon as possible the quantity of heat that sends to circumference environment to go, to air to air cooling heat sink character wants to undertake heat exchange with circumference air namely. At this time, the heat is passed between the two different medium, the following formula for Q = alpha X X Δ T, including Δ T for the temperature difference between the two kinds of medium, namely the heat sink and the ambient air temperature difference; While, is the thermal conductivity of the fluid, which is a fixed value after the heat sink material and air composition are determined; One of the most important is A heat sink and air contact area, on the premise of other conditions unchanged, such as the volume of A heat sink usually limited, the limited space inside the casing, will increase the difficulty of installation, and by changing the shape of the heat sink, increase the contact area


Structure of Murphy tubular heat exchanger: Winding shell and tube heat exchanger is the core and outer cylinder of the space between the pipe directly according to the helix winding alternately to form, shape and adjacent two layers spiral screw direction of the pipe on the contrary, this time also will use a certain shape of distance to keep a certain distance. Coil winding pipe shell and tube heat exchanger equipment design can be used in a single winding, also can use two or more root compound after winding together. The tube of the winding tube heat exchanger can pass through a single channel type wound tube heat exchanger. Of course, the equipment will be passed through several different media, and each media will be through the heat pipe are gathered in their respective plates, forming a multi-channel wound tubular heat exchanger; The heat exchanger equipment is suitable for the occasions where various media are processed simultaneously, large heat transfer is required und


1. Metal material heat exchanger Common materials are carbon steel, alloy steel, copper and copper alloy, aluminum and aluminum alloy, titanium and titanium alloy. Because the thermal conductivity of metal material is large, the heat transfer efficiency of this kind of heat exchanger is high. 2. Non-metallic material heat exchanger Commonly used materials are graphite, glass, plastic, ceramics, etc. Because of the small thermal conductivity of nonmetallic materials, the heat transfer efficiency of this type of heat exchanger is low. Often used in corrosive systems. hashtag www.murphyfinnedtubes.com 1. Tube heat exchanger A heat exchanger that conducts heat through a tube wall. It can be divided into shell heat exchanger, coil heat exchanger, tube heat exchanger, fin heat exchanger and so on. 2. Plate heat exchanger A heat exchanger that conducts heat through a plate surface. According to the structural form of heat transfer plate can be divided into plate type, spiral plate

Plate heat exchanger application in the oil industry

1. Heating and cooling of various oil products 2. Condensation and cooling of the gas on the top of the tower 3. Cooling water system of the factory 4. Treatment of acid water in the factory 5. The offshore drilling platform is used for seawater cooling circulation fresh water or ethylene glycol crude oil cooling, desalination equipment and fresh water distillation www.murphyfinnedtubes.com

Plate heat exchange advantage

Turbulence can be achieved at a lower flow rate, which has a higher heat transfer efficiency. Compact structure; Flexible use; Easy cleaning and maintenance; Can accurately control the heat transfer temperature, etc. Sealing perimeter is too long, not easy to seal, leakage possibility; Low bearing capacity; The operating temperature is limited by the temperature resistance of sealing gasket material and should not be too high. Narrow flow path, easy to block, small capacity; High flow resistance; www.murphyfinnedtubes.com

How plate heat exchanger outperform Shell & Tube Units

Murphy Plate heat exchangers transfer heat more efficiently than shell & tube units in most applications, due in large measure to the turbulent flow created by the corrugated patterns of their plates. They can pack greater than 22,000 ft2 (2,044 m2 ) of super-efficient heat transfer surface in a single unit with flow rates up to 25,400 gpm (5,768 m3 /hr). They use only 10-50% of the space required by shell & tube units and are much lighter in weight. And, they cost less. www.murphyfinnedtubes.com Murphy Plate & Frame • “U” values several times greater than shell & tube • Can be designed for less than 2°F (1°C) temperature approach • Opens for access within its own footprint • Easy disassembly—simply loosen bolts and roll movable frame back to the support column to remove plates • Low fouling due to corrugations and inherent turbulence • Intermix between fluids virtually impossible due to gasket design • Practically no heat loss—no insulation requ

Efficient Heat Transfer of Heat Exchanger For Industry

Murphy  heat exchanger is designed to provide maximum efficiency in transferring heat from one liquid to another or from steam to liquid. It consists of a series of gasketed, embossed metal plates arranged alternately and bolted together between end frames to form channels through which hot and cold media flow. The hot fluid flows on one side of the plate while the cold fluid flows on the other, with the plate itself providing the most effective means to transfer heat from one fluid to the other. Gaskets on the plates seal the channels and provide flow direction. As liquids flow counter-currently through the channels between the plates, the cold liquid becomes warmer and the hot liquid cooler.  www.murphyfinnedtubes.com Most units are designed for a one-pass/one-pass flow arrangement, resulting in all nozzles being installed on the stationary end frame, which facilitates simpler piping arrangements and easier disassembly. Due to its high efficiency, the Murphy  unit can hand