How to determine the heat dissipation of the laser welded finned tube coil?

The amount of heat dissipated in the finned tube is virtual amount, that cannot be touched. If it is not measured, calculated or installed improperly, it will easily affect the heating. Therefore, Murphy can take some measures in a targeted manner, such as increasing the number of finned tubes of the radiator, because the flow of water flowing through the radiator per unit time is constant, then the finned tube is added to the outer wall of the radiator. Can achieve the effect of increasing heat dissipation.

Now the finned tube heat sink material has a certain thermal resistivity, which is inversely proportional to the heat dissipation, that means, the higher the thermal resistivity, the lower the heat dissipation. Therefore, if you want to increase the heat dissipation of the radiator, you can start from this aspect, will have obvious improvement. In addition, since the heat sink is mainly radiative heat dissipation and convection heat dissipation, if the air is not circulated smoothly, the heat will be emitted slowly. For such kind of problems, it is also a good way to improve the air circulation in the house. For example, the radiator can be installed near the window, and the main cold air can be directly heated to achieve the desired effect.



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