Steam boiler characteristics

The steam boiler is a new type of high efficiency, according to the more accurate definition should be called "closed two-pass heat system", that is, in a closed system of pumping into a vacuum, depending on the change of phase state of the fluid inside (liquid to vapor state and vapor to liquid state) to transfer heat.

Steam boiler features:

(1) the thermal conductivity rate of metallic and non-metallic materials itself depends on the thermal conductivity of the material, temperature gradient, orthogonal to the cross section area of the temperature gradient. Take metallic silver as an example, its value is about 415W/ m.k. after measurement, the thermal conductivity of the heat pipe is hundreds of times to thousands of times of silver, so the heat pipe is known as a superconductor.

Because the heat transfer process in the heat pipe is a phase change process, and the purity of the working medium is very high, so the steam temperature in the heat pipe basically keeps a constant temperature, through the measurement: the temperature difference at both ends of the heat pipe is no more than 5℃, compared with other heat transfer components, the heat pipe has good isothermal performance.
The suitable temperature range of the heat pipe is related to the specific structure of the heat pipe, the working fluid adopted and the ambient working temperature of the heat pipe. At present, the heat pipe can adapt to the temperature range is generally, which is difficult to achieve by other heat transfer components.

Even in the operation of a few heat pipe damage, will not cause the two heat exchange media mixed, do not have to stop plugging. Therefore, the heat pipe equipment has the advantages of long service life, safety and reliability.

Because each heat pipe is an independent heat exchange element, so no matter how big, how long, each heat pipe can be arbitrarily dismantled, replacement performance is strong.

In recent years, heat pipe technology medium (working medium), that is, constitute the heat pipe. The heat pipe is placed in the heat source part called the evaporation section (hot end), and in the cooling part called the condensation section (cold end). When the heat transfer to the working medium, the working medium from liquid to vapor, the latent heat of vaporization absorption. Under the action of pressure difference inside the laser welded composite finned tube, the vapor carries the latent heat from the evaporation section to the condensation section, transfers the heat to the cold fluid outside the tube, and releases the latent heat of condensation. The working medium inside the tube condenses from the vapor to the liquid again. And so on, heat is transferred from the hot fluid to the cold fluid.



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Finned tube as a heat exchange element exhibits excellent performance indicators